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John Victoria – A visionary of success

John Victoria was keen on the idea of pursuing his entrepreneurial journey, with a career in the navy which tested his strength: his relentless pursuit of seeking knowledge about the digital world led him to start Polianna.

Today, Polianna is a 7 figure agency with just 5 years since its inception, John is proud to have come so far as a young entrepreneur and inspires all those who believe in the power of possibility. Especially keeping in mind that he went out and built himself a successful marketing agency despite his background as a veteran in the US Navy. It’s impressive, to say the least.

Take a step into the Digital Marketing world with John Victoria

It took John about 8 to 9 months before he got his clients, here are some tips he shared with us so that you can expedite your agency journey.

As a digital marketer, John is no stranger to why networking is essential for growth so he would proactively participate in networking events. The key is to be consistent and persistent in what you do in your agency journey.

By focusing on his agency John paved the way for success. Many would find his agency journey relevant as he acquired most of the crucial knowledge from reading books. As an avid reader, he learned some new skills and implemented them inside his agency.

John explains how the fastest way for you to get ahead is to be humble and learn from those who have a wealth of knowledge at their disposal and even hire those with superior knowledge than you to inspire success!

Mirror your Core Values in your agency

John has 5 core values that he applies to his agency model, these also authenticate his performance reviews and recruitment. RAPIT stands for results-oriented, accountability, proactivity, integrity, and teamwork. As his coaches told him these are baseline values that every professional should abide by. 

After further consultation, he dug deeper and prescribed these:

“Continuous self-improvement, look for win-wins, keep it simple sailor, consistency & mostly to enjoy the journey” – They are representative of the culture he has created and exemplary of Polianna’s work ethic.

Marketing – Client Retention & Building Authority

With the help of a virtual associate, John has been able to cover the following for his agency’s marketing to retain clients.

  1. Active social media: John has maintained an active social media presence
  2. Webinars and podcasts: In addition to social media, hosting webinars and podcasts can be helpful in content generation
  3. Building relationships with key individuals: Take the time out to build relationships with a focus on individuals which can pave the way for effective networking.
  4. Implementing bigger branding strategies: Finally, implementing bigger branding strategies to be successful in building authority.

John’s agenda for sales is fulfillment as he is currently streamlining his sales process and hopes to develop it to maximize the potential for closing deals.

The WHY behind Polianna

John’s agency journey has been fulfilling, he was able to take a step back from his day-to-day running of the company and optimize most marketing efforts with the help of his marketing associate.

John tells us his WHY for starting an agency can be summed up in one phrase “this is what is possible” and that is what he aligns with his long-term vision.

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