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If you are a salesperson looking for a connection in the B2B industry, LinkedIn is the platform where you will find the professional connection you want. LinkedIn is a popular social media for job seekers, but you can also use it in widening your network and for generating sales. It is the best social platform for making connections and B2B appointment setting in business and job-related matters.

If you are having difficulties using this platform in prospecting, here are some tips that will help improve your performance:

1. Refine your online profile

As a salesperson, you need to make a good impression and capture the attention of potential networks. To do it, you need to improve your LinkedIn profile. In one glimpse of your profile, potential clients and partners can evaluate whether they want to make a connection with you or ignore your connection request.

What you need to highlight is your credibility. Your profile should also show that you are a pleasant and approachable person. To achieve this, you should:

  • Use a professional photo
    Having no image on your account can discredit your profile’s credibility. The same goes for using an unprofessional photo. Having a face that they can associate with the profession makes your profile appear more authentic and personal.
  • Be creative with your headline
    You can stand out from the rest by adding a more descriptive title for yourself as the headline.
  • Provide an interesting profile summary
    The LinkedIn summary is where you can tell your profile viewers about who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. Capture their attention by creating a compelling and professional self-introduction.
  • Highlight your credibility
    What better way to make your profile appear more credible than featuring your skills and the endorsement you receive from connections. It also helps people build trust and confidence toward you.

2. Share original content on your feed

Like any social media platform, LinkedIn allows you to create your content and make it shareable to your audience. This feature helps make your account more visible to people relating to your content. Moreover, it is a way of showing your prowess in sales or your selected industry.  

3. Follow companies you eye

Companies have pages on LinkedIn. If you have any company you wish to keep an eye on, you can follow their pages for any job or news announcements. You can also see the people within the network, and it can be a good lead source when you want to make a connection.

4. Join LinkedIn groups

Another typical feature in social networking platforms you will see in LinkedIn is groups. It is a smaller and more focused crowd that will allow you to network with the appropriate people you target. Find the right group where you know you can learn and benefit from. Joining groups is not enough. To establish credibility, you have to be an active participant or group member too.  

5. Learn how to use the InMail feature the right way

LinkedIn has a built-in InMail feature that allows you to message connections and prospect connections directly. However, this feature should be carefully used to make the most of it. 

Here are some tips you can consider:

  • Try to send them messages through their business email first. Use InMail as your last resort for connection creation. 
  • When sending a message to a potential network, always focus on how you can help them and not on what you are selling. 
  • Personalize your message to stand out from other InMail messages. If you can, include personal details like what you know about their needs. It shows how knowledgeable you are about them and what you are selling.
  • Use mutual connections, if necessary. 


LinkedIn is a social platform that you can maximize to create better network relationships and potential sales. To make it an effective tool in your profession, use it wisely and smartly. Start with following our simple tips above and stay creative.

Are you looking for ways on how to improve your LinkedIn direct outreach? Let us help you with that! We have a list of top rep talents ready to help you achieve your goal. Contact us today for a free consultation.