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Link to RepStack’s Glassdoor Profile:  Link 


In today’s corporate landscape, transparency isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a guiding principle that shapes company culture and influences how businesses are perceived by both employees and potential candidates.

 RepStack, a leading company in its industry, recently achieved a significant milestone by earning the OpenCompany badge on Glassdoor, a testament to its commitment to openness and honesty.

With an impressive 4.7 rating on Glassdoor, well above the industry average of around 3.2, RepStack stands out as a beacon of transparency and employee satisfaction. But how did they achieve this milestone? Let’s delve into the steps RepStack took to earn its OpenCompany badge:

  1. Update Company Profile: RepStack started by revamping its company profile on Glassdoor. They highlighted their vision, mission, and core values, giving potential candidates insight into what the company stands for and its long-term goals.


  1. Add Pictures: The company updated its Company Photos section with images that capture the essence of its culture. From team meet-ups to achievement ceremonies and special occasions, these photos showcased the vibrant and inclusive environment at RepStack.


  1. Get Reviews: RepStack actively encouraged its employees to share their experiences on Glassdoor. They seized every opportunity, whether during milestones, celebrations or post-interview. The requirement was to get 10 Reviews, and RepStack managed to get 190 Reviews.

  2. Respond to Reviews: Transparency goes beyond just collecting reviews—it also involves actively engaging with feedback. RepStack made it a priority to respond to every review, whether positive or negative, with a personalised and data-driven approach.


  1. Promote Profile: To amplify its Glassdoor presence, RepStack promoted its profile across various platforms, including its website and social media channels.


By following these steps, RepStack not only earned the OpenCompany badge on Glassdoor but also solidified its reputation as a transparent and employee-centric organization. As more companies recognize the importance of transparency in attracting and retaining top talent, RepStack serves as a shining example of how a commitment to openness can drive success in today’s competitive business landscape.